The End of sorrow
Latlaus Sky (rhymes with 'atlas pie' is the Portland-based duo Brett and Abby Larson. 'Latlaus Sky' means "plain cloud" in Icelandic and fell upon the husband and wife while they searched for languages that could represent how the music feels to them. They write albums as stories and each track represents a distinct movement in the story and characters. These stories are written separately and alongside the music as the two inform each other throughout the process.
They are hermetic and play private shows across the country where it will be quiet and candles will be burning steadily. Ask if you would like one to come to you.
The two reside somewhere deep in the Willamette Valley where the quiet and the woods can breathe life into their next album 'Paradise Lost'. This 3 part album will chronicle the tale of the angel 'Iblis' and her fall. The first part will be released this year.